VETONCOLOGIA Servicio De Oncologia Veterinaria 

FUNDACION BARCELO’, School of Medicine, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

CONICET and University of Buenos Aires, INFIP, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF PLOVDIV, School of Medicine, Dept. of Medical Biology, Plovdiv (Bulgaria) 

INSTITUTE OF ONCOLOGY, Department of Experimental Oncology, Ljubljana (Slovenia) 

UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

CNRS-IPBS, Cellular Biophysics Team, Toulouse (France) 

MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GRAZ, Division of Oncology, Graz (Austria) 

CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF LEUVEN, The KU Leuven Antibody Center, Leuven (Belgium) 

INRIA-Team MONC, INRIA Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest, Bordeaux (France)

CNR-Istituto Struttura della Materia, Rome (Italy)

UNIVERSITY CAMPUS BIO-MEDICO OF ROME, School of Medicine, General Pathology Area, Rome (Italy)

UNIVERSITY OF ROMA TOR VERGATA, Dept of Chemical Science and Technologies 

UNIVERSITY OF INSUBRIA, Dept. Theoretical and Applied Sciences – DiSTA, Varese (Italy) 

UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA, Dept. of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences

UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA, InterDept Biotechnology Center