The meeting will bring together scientists from different countries all over the world, across basic and applied science of electroporation and pulsed electric fields aiming to foster interdisciplinary interactions, present the latest achievements, and share cutting-edge knowledge. The Congress will start with an Educational Session open to young scientists and who want to deep more insight the electroporation world. With exciting plenary talks and several parallel scientific sessions each day, as well as poster presentations, WC2024 will serve as a platform to showcase the advancements in electroporation-based technologies and applications. A special program is dedicated to students and young scientists, offering opportunities to broaden their scientific horizons, network, and exciting social experiences.
This website https://wc2024.electroporation.net/ details the programme (including educational session), social events, information on venue and accommodation, abstract submission, and of course registration. LaPMOS is involved in the organization of the Congress and in the Scientific Program Committee

The 4th World Congress on Electroporation & Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, Food and Environmental Technologies to be held in Copenhagen 9-13 October 2022, will continue to create an inspiring international and interdisciplinary forum for sharing novel and ground breaking research. This website https://wc2022.electroporation.net/ details the programme (including educational session), social events, information on venue and accommodation, abstract submission, and of course registration. Emanuela Signori is member of the Scientific Program Committee. LaPMOS is involved in the organization of the Oncoimmunology special session and in the management of the special issue: “Immunogenic Effects of Electroporation-Based Treatments”.
Copenhagen-Denmark, 9-13 October 2022

EMBEC 2020 https://www.embec2020.org/ Portoroz (Slo), 29 Nov-3 Dec 2020. The conference of the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) and European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) is organized by the Slovenian Society for Medical and Biological Engineering. It will be held in the Congress Centre Bernardin in Portorož, Slovenia. Aim is to make EMBEC 2020 a platform for engineers, physicists, biologists, and medical professionals to enhance collective knowledge and scientific achievements by bridging complementary disciplines and new findings into an interactive and attractive forum. New and emerging fields, such as Artificial Intelligence in Health Care, Tissue Engineering, Bioinformatics, Neurotechnology, Electroporation-based Treatments, and Technologies for Medicine and Biology, will be discussed in plenary and special sessions. LaPMOs is involved in the organization of the special session: Gene Therapy by Electroporation:https://www.embec2020.org/special-sessions/#Gene_therapy_by_electroporation

Ljubljana (SLO), November 15-21, 2020. The postgraduate course, intended both for novices and experts in electroporation, deals with cell membrane electroporation, its mechanisms and applications in biology, medicine and biotechnology. The basis of the phenomena, current applications and future prospects will be main topics of this international meeting. Emanuela Signori will participate as invited lecturer, giving a talk titled: "DNA Immunization Protocols by Electrotransfer"

The Medical University of Plovdiv has organized a scientific symposium entitled “Molecular and Personalized Medicine”. The session will be conducted on-line on 30.10.2020. Duration of each lecture will be up to 30 min. The symposium is planned in the occasion of the festivities for the 75th Anniversary of MU-Plovdiv.
Prof. Blagoi Marinov, Vice Rector of Research of Medical University of Plovdiv and Prof. Victoria Sarafian, former Vice Rector and currently Full Professor and Head of the Department of Medical Biology, have invited Emanuela Signori as official guest lecturer. Title of the talk: "MU-Plovdiv and University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome + CNR-Institute of Translational Pharmacology: a story of friendship and fruitful scientific collaboration". Since 2006, time of the first visit of MU-Plovdiv delegates in Rome, a long story of collaboration has started, with mutual scientific and cultural impact. Lecturing, mentoring PhD students and working on joint projects was a challenge that both sides faced with enthusiasm and professionalism. In this lecture, the important stages of this relationship will be re-traced, highlighting the scientific progress and advancements in studies on the mechanisms of onset and development of colorectal cancer (CRC) – a topic within the scope of research of all partners.
- The 3rd World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, and Food & Environmental Technologies,
- Possible Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields to cancer: from Biology and in silico to clinical perspectives
- The First Latin American Workshop on Electroporation and its Applications